An Honest ClickFunnels Review for 2020

ClickFunnels has its own uniqueness & flaws, just like any other software or product. I’ve gathered all the pros & cons that are worth mentioning and wrote this piece of content so you could see this funnel builder from a different angle.

Firstly, a few words about me. I’ve been working online full-time since 2017 and it was the best thing I’ve decided to focus on. I’m also a family man. Wife. Son & a daughter. Love spending my time with them and watching as they grow up.

My online career wasn’t always roses and butterflies but once you crack the code & find the best services and mentors everything starts to click and become easy. One of my favourite things about ClickFunnels is the fact that I can save my time.

It’s super easy to start your own online business, automate, maintain and, most importantly, profit from it using ClickFunnels software. TIME is an extremely valuable asset.

What is ClickFunnels?

ClickFunnels is a sales funnel builder and also a website builder software. It helps individuals and businesses to create a funnel flow, guiding their audience through a specific buying process.

The advantages:

Easy to use (seriously!)

As in everything new – there is some kind of a learning curve. If you feel that you are not a techy person – don’t worry – the drag-and-drop software will make it less difficult to build funnels. Of course, it might be tough at first and you might feel overwhelmed but there are countless tutorials which will help you get up and running.

It often lies in our mindset. ClickFunnels can be both simple and complicated. It depends on which one you will make it. I always suggest keeping things simple. It’s so easy that you can create your first funnel in 10 minutes.

If you’re new to this stuff and think that using such software might be too much for you – please think again. Why would you not start with the best? I wish I would’ve known ClickFunnels sooner when I first started doing my landing pages for various offers in the past few years.

It’s the most intuitive sales page builder.

During my Internet marketing career I’ve already tested different kinds of sales page builders, WordPress plugins, various templates, services and platforms like Leadpages, Thrive Themes, Get Response, Builderall, etc.

They all had different learning curves but when the time came for ClickFunnels… It’s so intuitive that I even didn’t have to learn how to use the page builder. It comes with hundreds of landing pages, sales pages, order form templates, squeeze funnels, product launch funnels, webinars, VSLs, and many more. All ready to use after few clicks and integrations. If you like a particular template and you want to customize it to your liking – it will be literally as easy as dragging, dropping, clicking and typing your text.

Everything without coding, without the hassle of complicated integrations and connecting two different services (for example linking your autoresponder or a payment processor).

A massive amount of possible integrations.

What makes ClickFunnels stand out of the crowd of similar services is surely the list of integrations. ClickFunnels will integrate with any email marketing automation software there is available.

So… Want to add email marketing to your funnel/website? No problem! You can integrate Aweber, Getreponse, Constant Contact, MailChimp, ConvertKit, etc…

What’s also important ClickFunnels has its own email marketing software called Actionetics. However, in order to use it, you will need to have the $297/month plan. It’s totally OK if you’re using a different one (like Aweber for example).

Want to add a payment processor? – Stripe, Braintree, Paypal, and Clickbank.

Webinars? – Everwebinar, Webinar Jam, GoTo Webinar.

Other Important Integrations? – Drip, Zapier, SalesForce, Shipstation, and more.

You can see the ClickFunnels full integration list on the home page here.

“Share Funnel” feature.

Funnel sharing is a great addition. If you feel like doing some funnel designing for friends or other people or businesses this is a great way to smash additional revenue. For every funnel you create, you can use a share funnel link to give it away (without losing it of course).

If that person doesn’t already have a ClickFunnels account then they have an option to create a regular account or a limited account just for using that particular funnel. In that case, instead of paying a regular $97/month price, they can pay only $19/month. Share funnel links also work as affiliate links so that can be a very, very nice addition to your revenue if used correctly.

Clean landing pages, One-Time-Offer pages, sales letter pages…

…tripwire funnels, product launch funnels, high ticket funnels, squeeze pages, webinar & autowebinar funnels, order forms, and many more!

Most often when we get our hands on something, we feel the need to improve this, this and that… In the end, we might have something completely different than the template.

Why try to reinvent the wheel when it’s already smooth and functional?

Ok, some might look or feel like some of those “scammy” websites. However, even those scammy looking ones are able to make thousands of $$$ selling stuff or various affiliate offers from ClickBank or similar sites.

Depending on your needs you’re free to choose a high-converting landing page template. A simple sales page or a done-for-you order form and be ready to go in a few minutes. Or a few hours if you want to write your own copy.

Making commissions can be really simple with ClickFunnels.

Everyone has their peaks and valleys. More often than not, those are mental ups and downs. The biggest critics and haters live inside our heads and you can’t deny it (unless you’re a narcissist :).

Never launched your blog because the theme wasn’t right?

The logo needed a little change? Felt that you had too little content to advertise?

Never finally launched your product because you falsely felt it wasn’t perfect or the advertising at best won’t cover?

You can criticize yourself and your efforts endlessly…

What I see great about ClickFunnels is that making excuses is difficult because the funnels look good. The software works and can do miracles if used in the proper way.

Massive Amount of Value Given.

One of the biggest advantages of joining ClickFunnels is the pressure Russel Brunson puts on education and value. Books, courses, sessions, training, podcasts… And what’s best is those courses/podcasts aren’t meaningless. With each piece of content, Russel puts out there’s a new thing to be learnt about the funnels themselves, marketing, branding, sales and other related topics.

Tell me any other service that will overwhelm you with value and knowledge about their products and how to effectively use them.

The ugly parts of ClickFunnels

Sometimes you can find some bugs (but those are fixed fast)

I joined ClickFunnels back in 2018 so since their launch they had plenty of time fixing various stuff that might have occurred.

As for my personal experience, I haven’t encountered any bugs inside the ClickFunnels dashboard nor during my creative sessions of funnel making.  Or at least I haven’t noticed any. You might find some posts in the ClickFunnels FB group about some issues but most of the times those are people who are puzzled about a certain function or simply can’t find the answer.

As in every business, there will be times when you’ll encounter challenges. And what should you do at challenging moments? Personally, I’m taking a deep breath and dive straight into finding the best solution. But hey! There’s always the official support group where people gladly help each other.

Customer service is often slow.

Might be bad, might be great. I never had an issue with the support team although I’m seeing some people complain about it. Surprisingly it’s not that big of a deal to make them cancel their ClickFunnel accounts.

I’ve had only one issue that I had to contact the support team because I could not log in to my account after my tax form was accepted. Even though the lady who tried to solve my problem was super helpful and she even sent me a password reset link 5 or 6 times – the problem was on my side.

I can shyly admit that the day before I’ve changed my email address inside the settings, thinking that it’s just a contact email and my main one which was used to create the account will remain the same. In the end, I tried to log in with my “old” email while everything was working perfectly fine with the one I set a day ago. After I realized that – everything solved itself… 🙂

For the price we’re paying ($97 – 297$/month) I believe the support service is on a decent level despite some possible misunderstandings during problem-solving.

URLs can be super ugly if not using a custom domain.

If you don’t care about trippy URLs with long, weird chains of letters and numbers then you’re good to go. If you like clean links I strongly suggest purchasing a separate domain. But let’s face the facts – who doesn’t own a domain nowadays? You can even get an extra domain from ClickFunnels for free when in need.

If ClickFunnels was to go down…

… it means that, most possibly, your funnels and pages would also go offline.

Personally, I doubt that would happen and I haven’t been in a situation where my funnel wasn’t functional but it still would be possible.

You might “lose” money.

As serious as it sounds – there’s nothing to worry about. ClickFunnels is abundant in various products and offers. There are a lot of upsells, downsells, cross-sells and a ton of promotions. A lot of people also join ClickFunnels after getting one of the free book offers or few other free products/training/podcasts.

Russel cares about the variety of products. In this case, quantity doesn’t mean less quality. The price range from absolutely free to even a couple thousand $$$. Not mentioning some of the top coaching programs they offer. For a newbie, it can be overwhelming & difficult to grasp.

People are often full of themselves and think that they have everything they already need to succeed in their business – the reality is that they don’t. So I advise starting with one product. Go through the whole course or learn the software until you’re good at it and then you can proceed further.

Don’t buy everything at once. Just start with one and master it.

The Learning Curve…

Sorry to say but you can’t just pay for the ClickFunnels software and become an expert at it overnight. Nor to buy the courses/books and have all the knowledge about online marketing, funnel building, automation techniques, copywriting injected into your brain like in the Matrix series.

It’s required to start humble, learn and take action. If I would feel over-knowledgeable, ignorant and didn’t go through all the value I got from ClickFunnels, Expert Secrets book and DotCom Secrets book I would not be in this place today. You can get those two books absolutely for FREE (+ covering shipping) just by clicking those two links above.

I always repeat that if someone is willing to put the work then the results will come as results are always attracted by work. Don’t be one of those persons that complain about spending 100$ a month while they want to smash 10,000$ monthly profits.

The best investment is always personal growth, knowledge and skills.

Now when we know the few advantages and a few disadvantages, I would want to finish my ClickFunnels review with a few more plus points.

Some extra points worth sharing:

Overall, ClickFunnels is easy to start, use and get familiar with.

You are able to launch simple a sales page, squeeze page or any other funnel in ~29 minutes. Seriously. The drag-and-drop builder makes life so much easier. If you’re launching a product and want to make a solid funnel it will take you not more than few days of focused work. I’m talking here about writing your copy, videos, photos, integrating required services, and whatever else you need.

If you had to do the same thing by yourself or through hiring a professional team it would cost you at least 10x more money and time. Outsourcing a funnel and a sales letter costs a lot and you’ll never know if the copy is actually good…

You can get profits in the first hour of using ClickFunnels.

If you’ve already got a product or some affiliate offers in your sleeve then you’re ready to go! Half an hour to make your sales or squeeze funnel. A couple of minutes to write a promotional message or e-mail to your audience… And at least one minute to get your first sale after spreading your word!

One of the best feelings is when you hear your first “cha-ching” or wake up in the morning and read a notification that you’ve made a couple of bucks overnight.

Can You Try Out ClickFunnels 14-Days For Free?

Ever dreamed of buying yourself a Tesla or Mercedes but wanted to test drive it first? You can try ClickFunnels for 14-days. I’m sure you will love the service as I’m certain it can increase your sales multiple times. 14 days is plenty of time to test every aspect and functionalities of the software.

Can you win a car for free with ClickFunnels?

Wait… What?! YES! That’s possible as ClickFunnels has, in my opinion, the best affiliate program in the ‘SaaS’ world. All members can participate in the “What’s Your Dream Car?” program.

In order to get a superb bonus in the shape of $500/month towards your dream car all you need to do is sign up 100 affiliates. The stake rises to $1000/month when you sign up 200 affiliates.

2020 update:

Recently there were some changes in the affiliate structures and new members start out with a 30% commission. The legacy commission is still 40% and it’s achievable to reach it again for the newer members!

To spice up things – for each active affiliate, ClickFunnels will pay you around $29.10 per month. To sum up the numbers, having referred 100 affiliates = $2910/month in recurring commissions. 200 referred affiliates = $5,820/month recurring income.

Sounds tempting and it’s a pretty nice bonus for using the software yourself and dropping a word about it from time to time.

I wouldn’t be myself if I didn’t want you to succeed with ClickFunnels. That’s why I’m always offering extra BONUSES whenever someone uses my link to register for their free 14-day trial so feel free to reach out to me.

I hope that this ClickFunnels review was helpful or eye-opening in any possible way!

Stay tuned for more reviews, guides & tons of value!

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